Create WebSocket API using AWS API Gateway | HTTP & Lambda Integration

AWS Kinesis Stream | Producer & Consumer hands on with Experiments using Java +  @LocalStack

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This video demonstrates implementation of AWS Kinesis Producer and Consumer using Java + LocalStack setup.

Steps to follow for WebSocket API creation

  1. Build API and give

    1. API name
    2. Route selection expression —> request.body.action
  2. Add routes

    1. Add $connect route
    2. Add $disconnect route
  3. Attach integrations

    1. $connect

      1. Type → HTTP
      2. Method → POST
      3. URL → <enter api-endpoint here>/connect
    2. $disconnect

      1. Type → HTTP
      2. Method → POST
      3. URL → <enter api-endpoint here>/disconnect
  4. Add stages

    1. name → prod
  5. Create and deploy

Edit $disconnect route

Open ‘Integration Request’

  • Uncheck ‘Use HTTP Proxy integration'
  • Click ‘Save’
  • Edit ‘Request Templates’

    • Template Selection Expression → \$default → click ‘check’ button

Edit $connect route

Open Integration Request

  • Uncheck ‘Use HTTP Proxy integration'
  • Click ‘Save’
  • Edit ‘Request Templates’

    • Template Selection Expression → \$default → click ‘check’ button

Add integration response

  • Open integration response

    • Response Selection Expression will be ${integration.response.statuscode}
  • Add Response

    • Response Key → $default → click ‘check’ button
    • Edit ‘Template Selection Expression’ → \$default → click ‘check’ button


Click ‘Create New Authorizer’

  • Name → **lambda-authorizer**
  • Lambda Function → lambda-authorizer (us-east-1)
  • Identity Sources

    • Query String → token
  • Click ‘Create’ → ‘Grant & Create’

Attach the authorizer to $connect route

  • Open ‘Route Request’
  • Click ‘Pencil icon’ of Authorization
  • Select the configured Lambda Authorizer and save

    • If you don’t see the lambda → refresh the page once

Update $connect Route using AWS CLI

First gather some information

  1. API ID

    • Note down API ID from URL of the API page of AWS Console
  2. RouteId and IntegrationId

    1. Execute below command

      • aws apigatewayv2 get-routes --api-id bnzlep5vqk
    2. Note down RouteId and Target from response of below command, where RouteKey is $connect
    3. ‘Integration Id’ is the alphanumeric part after the slash in Target value. Eg: f3m2883 is the ‘Integration Id’ in the"Target": "integrations/f3m2883"

Now update the route as follows

aws apigatewayv2 update-route \
--api-id bnzlep5vqk \
--route-id ik7cvjt \
--request-parameters '

Update $connect Integration using AWS CLI

aws apigatewayv2 update-integration \
--integration-id f3m2443 \
--api-id bnzlep5vqk \
--request-parameters 'integration.request.querystring.stocks'='route.request.querystring.stocks'

aws apigatewayv2 update-integration \
--integration-id f3m2443 \
--api-id bnzlep5vqk \
--request-parameters 'integration.request.querystring.connectionId'='context.connectionId'

aws apigatewayv2 update-integration \
--integration-id f3m2443 \
--api-id bnzlep5vqk \
--request-parameters 'integration.request.querystring.userId'='context.authorizer.userId'

aws apigatewayv2 update-integration \
--integration-id f3m2443 \
--api-id bnzlep5vqk \
--request-parameters 'integration.request.querystring.orgId'='context.authorizer.orgId'

You can confirm the updates by fetching the integration details as below

aws apigatewayv2 get-integration \
--integration-id f3m2443 \
--api-id bnzlep5vqk

Update $disconnect Integration using AWS CLI

First gather some information

  1. API ID remains same from the previous step
  2. RouteId and IntegrationId

    1. Execute below command

      • aws apigatewayv2 get-routes --api-id bnzlep5vqk
    2. Note down RouteId and Target from response of below command, where RouteKey is $disconnect
    3. ‘Integration Id’ is the alphanumeric part after the slash in Target value. Eg: f3m2883 is the ‘Integration Id’ in the"Target": "integrations/f3m2883"

Update $disconnect Integration using AWS CLI

aws apigatewayv2 update-integration \
--integration-id 478fpcf \
--api-id bnzlep5vqk \
--request-parameters 'integration.request.querystring.connectionId'='context.connectionId'

Deploy & Test

Refresh the console page once and DEPLOY 🚀

To test use below command (make sure the tool is installed)

wscat -c "wss://,goog"

Configure API

After deployment, the API endpoint should be configured in the backend project as an environment variable like below


| Take care
~ @raevilman


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